The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog
A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

Is Your Website Targeted to Your Users?

The bottom line of creating any website, especially a Drupal website, is to cater to your users. People who use the Internet should be able to navigate your website without a problem. So many companies are focused on getting up the cheapest website possible that they forget about the people who will be using the website. If your ultimate goal is to offer a product or service to your customer, then it’s time to make sure your website is targeted to your users.
How can you do this?
Well, targeting your website to your website really isn’t as hard as it seems. You will want to hire a bunch of monkeys who are capable of doing the job right. But you also want to define a few things. You will want to make sure you know exactly who is using your website. This is a step that you cannot guess. It’s something you must nail.
Create content and services that will cater to your customers. That’s why people use the CMS, Drupal. Drupal is capable of building a custom website for you from the ground up. And inside of that website you can have content and services completely catered to your targeted users.
Are you thinking of having a website built? Do you know the difference between WordPress vs. Drupal? If not, maybe it’s time to give the monkeys over at Cheeky Monkey Media a click. We’ll make sure your website is targeted to your users.