The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog

A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

What is Web Accessibility and Why It Matters: Understanding Legal Compliance

January 23, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

When exploring the realm of web accessibility, you’re delving into an essential practice that aims to ensure websites are navigable and usable by everyone, inclusive of individuals with disabilities. This concept focuses on removing barriers that might…
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Web Analytics and Website Analysis Trends in 2024

September 7, 2022 / Treena Bjarnason

In 2024, the landscape of web analytics and website analysis is significantly influenced by technological advancements and evolving consumer behaviors. As digital interactions become more complex and interconnected, businesses are leveraging advanced a…
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4 Ways to Budget for a Drupal 9/10 Migration

February 2, 2022 / Treena Bjarnason

Just so you’ve got a brief backstory and timeline for the last few years of Drupal platform updates: Back in September 2018, Dries Buytaert, founder and project lead of Drupal announced: “Drupal 7 will be end-of-life in November 2022, Drupal 9 will be…
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Drupal 10 Is on Its Way: How You Can Prepare

January 26, 2022 / Treena Bjarnason

The next evolution of Drupal is just around the corner! The Cheeky Monkey Media team is breaking down everything you need to know, including when Drupal 10 is being released, a summary of the new features, and how you can prepare your Drupal site for t…
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Why Prototypes Will Transform Your Web Project’s Results 

January 12, 2022 / Ashley Olsen

What’s a Prototype in the World of Websites? The world of prototypes is a big one, and depending on the industry you’re in, “prototype” can mean different things. In UX and web design, there are a couple of different types of prototypes that you might…
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What Makes a Good Host vs Bad Host (Web Provider, that is)

November 1, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason

You’ve seen the ads. And it seems like you can get web hosting from just about anywhere. With so many options, how do you even start to figure out what your best bet is, and how to tell what makes a good web host vs a bad host?!?  Well, you’re off to a…
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Website Wireframes: 3 Options That Fit Any Budget

October 7, 2021 / Ashley Olsen

Starting a new web project can be daunting. Technical terms that you may not have heard before getting thrown around, and it can be overwhelming to get familiar with the new jargon. One word that you’ve probably heard during your website journey is Wir…
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Grow a Great WebOps Strategy

September 16, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason

Think Like a Gardener  Consider this Part 2 of our recent blog that dove into creating a strategy that allows your website to grow alongside your business.  Now, let’s assume you’ve decided to take the plunge into the world of WebOps. You’re getting re…
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How to Generate Conversions through Content

September 9, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason

Surprise! It Starts with Your Target Audience Behind the scenes of every great website is an even better content & SEO strategy. As a marketing manager or web developer, you can do everything in your power to have the best design, functionality, an…
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WebOps: The New Direction for Online Growth

August 24, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason

So here’s a big question: How can you ensure your website continues to grow alongside your business while staying on the leading edge of technology, AND have the ability to pivot with unexpected market changes? Good news, this is more achievable than y…
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What are MVP Websites and Why They Matter to You

July 29, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason

Establish your MVP website priorities with your team for a successful (and budget friendly) 2021 In 2021, the internet continues to be a dominant and necessary evil in a business’s success. Rebuilds, upgrades, redesigns, and all marketing actions need…
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A Simple Cheeky Formula for Prioritizing Website Tasks

July 28, 2021 / Treena Bjarnason

It can be overwhelming to stop and think about all of the tasks on your website to-do list. Some of the items on there have probably been around since the last web launch ????. Maybe other brilliant ideas have been lost along the way. Or maybe the list…
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