The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog

A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

Tips on How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy for 2024

May 24, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

The shift to digital has been going on since the 1980s. The advent of smart devices saw people consuming more content online. This has prompted many businesses to go digital with their marketing practices. Conventional strategies like TV ads and billbo…
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Branding VS Marketing: Understanding Their Key Differences

May 17, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

There’s a fine line between branding and marketing. The two concepts often overlap. It’s why people often confuse the two. Many even interchange the terms because they believe they’re similar. Branding and marketing are two distinct concepts though. Bu…
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Understanding the Role of a Brand Marketing Consultant

April 28, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

Businesses today are always engaged in fierce competition for customers. The result is a never-ending stream of ads pushed on consumers. Research shows that consumers see anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 ads in one day. The sheer number of ads underscores…
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5 Types of Digital Marketing Strategies Your Brand Needs

April 12, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

Companies must stay ahead of the curve. It’s the only way to survive and thrive in today’s competitive business landscape. One way to do this is to make good use of digital marketing. Digital marketing is a kind of marketing that uses electronic device…
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Reasons Branding in Digital Marketing is Crucial to Success

November 30, 2023 / Treena Bjarnason

A company without a digital presence will get nowhere fast. But even a website and a social media account won’t help if your branding is at odds with your digital marketing. Digital marketing has been growing by leaps and bounds. It has taken the lion’…
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What is SEO for Website and How to Use It to Your Benefit

October 27, 2023 / What is SEO for Website and How to Use It to Your Benefit

The world has become much smaller and at the same time larger because of the internet. The World Wide Web has made it possible to connect to hundreds of people with ease. The net has become so prevalent that people spend hours on it. The internet is al…
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Digital Marketing Strategy: What You Should Focus on Today

September 26, 2023 / Digital Marketing Strategy: What You Should Focus on Today

The digital world isn’t the future. It’s the here and now. It’s best if you embrace it if you want your business to survive and thrive. This means having a solid digital marketing strategy. Digital marketing is a powerful tool. It uses the various digi…
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5 Features of a Quality Non-profit Website

March 21, 2023 / 5 Features of a Quality Non-profit Website

Five Features of a Quality Non-profit Website An effective non-profit website can help you reach more people, increase fundraising possibilities, and give your members access to information about your organization. Cheeky Monkey Media provides non prof…
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SEO, Magic or Science?

November 15, 2022 / SEO, Magic or Science?

SERP it Up As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to get ahead of the competition. You want to find ways to reach more customers and grow your business. When you hear about SEO, it can sound like magic. After all, what other marketing tact…
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50 Best Graphic Design Software Programs

November 14, 2022 / 50 Best Graphic Design Software Programs

What if Graphic Design?  A graphic design can be defined as the process of communication that makes use of symbols, images, and words to convey a message. It is the art of combining text and graphics to communicate an effective message. A graphic desig…
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Top 100 Free Backlink Directories in Canada

November 10, 2022 / Top 100 Free Backlink Directories in Canada

One of the most important ranking factors for search engines is backlinks. A backlink is when another website links to your website. The more backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). One way to get b…
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The Best Marketing Automation Software Platforms For 2023

November 7, 2022 / The Best Marketing Automation Software Platforms For 2023

If you’re like most businesses, your marketing team is always looking for ways to be more efficient and effective. After all, there are only so many hours in the day, and there’s always more that can be done to reach and engage your target audience. En…
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