The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog

A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

Google’s New Algorithm Emphasizes “Openness” in Local Search Ranking

April 15, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

Google’s latest update sheds light on the importance of a company’s “open” business hours. The company’s newest algorithm is a boon for local search visibility. The concept of “openness” has emerged as a key factor in business rankings. Understanding t…
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5 Types of Digital Marketing Strategies Your Brand Needs

April 12, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

Companies must stay ahead of the curve. It’s the only way to survive and thrive in today’s competitive business landscape. One way to do this is to make good use of digital marketing. Digital marketing is a kind of marketing that uses electronic device…
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Can Your Website Handle AI-Powered SGE? It’s Time to Get Ready

April 8, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

The SEO landscape is evolving, thanks to Search Generative Experience. The AI-powered SGE is set to give information within search results. This could push traditional websites to the side. SEO experts have nothing to fear though. It’s easy to navigate…
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The Importance of Maintenance and Being on a Maintenance Schedule: Key Strategies for Reliability and Efficiency

April 4, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

Regular maintenance is an essential aspect of ensuring the longevity and optimal functioning of various systems, be it machinery, infrastructure, vehicles, or even personal health. Adhering to a maintenance schedule is key to maintaining efficiency, sa…
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Tales From The Jungle: Working With MediaSmarts

April 3, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

Growing up in Canada during the early 2000s, it’s safe to say that MediaSmarts has always been a part of my life. I can remember learning about internet safety in elementary school, and our class got to go to the computer lab to play the different game…
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Google’s Latest Product Variant Pushes Companies to Showcase More

April 1, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

Google is expanding its support for organized data. The latest Google updates offer more innovative ways to present products. Google rolled out an enhanced structured data support on February 20, 2024. It enabled online sellers a more detailed way of s…
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LinkedIn Rolls Out AI Job Search Tools as It Hits One Billion Milestone AI-Powered Job Seeker Coach

March 31, 2024 / LinkedIn Rolls Out AI Job Search Tools as It Hits One Billion Milestone AI-Powered Job Seeker Coach

LinkedIn has reached a significant milestone. The social media platform holds the distinction of now having a billion users. The achievement came as LinkedIn rolled out an AI-enhanced Premium update. The enhanced features provide personalized career gu…
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4 Advantages of Using Drupal Web Development Services

March 27, 2024 / 4 Advantages of Using Drupal Web Development Services

A dynamic and well-designed website is critical. Companies need it to succeed in today’s digital landscape. It only takes consumers seconds to form an opinion about a website. You want their first impression of you to be a positive one. This is where a…
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Google Maps Roll Out New AI for Improved Local Business Search

March 25, 2024 / Google Maps Roll Out New AI for Improved Local Business Search

Google is rolling out a new AI feature in Maps. It’s still in the experimental stage. The feature aims to help users discover local businesses. It leverages AI to tailor the search to an individual’s specific requirements. Enhanced by AI Googles new AI…
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Regular Backups: Understanding Their Crucial Role in Data Security

March 21, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

Regular backups play a pivotal role in data management and security, acting as a crucial line of defence against data loss. For individuals and businesses alike, they provide a reliable safety net in scenarios like hardware malfunctions, cyberattacks,…
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What is a CMS and Why Your Business Needs It

March 15, 2024 / What is a CMS and Why Your Business Needs It

Almost all businesses have an online presence. This often means a website and social media accounts. The importance of going digital was obvious during the pandemic. The companies that did well were those able to leverage technology and move it online.…
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Accessibility Testing Tools and Standards: A Guide to Inclusive Design Practices

March 14, 2024 / Ashley Olsen

In the world of web development and design, making digital platforms accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is essential. Accessibility testing tools are crucial for developers and designers to identify and address barriers that co…
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