User Testing has been around for what seems like forever, and it basically has in one way, shape, or form. You see it talked about in the design phases of a project and less so in the development phases, but why is that? Think of it as if you’re baking a pie: You wouldn’t serve…

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Just so you’ve got a brief backstory and timeline for the last few years of Drupal platform updates: Back in September 2018, Dries Buytaert, founder and project lead of Drupal announced: “Drupal 7 will be end-of-life in November 2022, Drupal 9 will be released in 2020, and Drupal 10 will be released in summer 2022.” …

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What’s a Prototype in the World of Websites? The world of prototypes is a big one, and depending on the industry you’re in, “prototype” can mean different things. In UX and web design, there are a couple of different types of prototypes that you might use, but today we’re focusing on the use of digital…

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