The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog
A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

Website Mumbo Jumbo You Need To Know About

As a potential web design client, there may be some monkey business on a website that you just don’t think about. does an excellent job talking about details on a website that you may not have thought about before. I wanted to highlight some of their best points.
“It is no longer sufficient merely to inform people, your website should engage with your market.”
I loved this part of the article because it’s very true. Some people want so much on their website that at one time it feels like a sales brochure. Your website should be aligned with the current technology market. If your website was built 10-15 years ago, how can it connect with today’s market? It can’t.
“Responsive Web Design (RWD) allows your website to be efficiently viewed and navigated on different sized screens and devices (from desktops to tablets to smartphones).”
Not every new website-wanting-monkey is going to understand RWD and that’s okay. In order to get RWD, you have to understand that not every website can be viewed easily via mobile, tablet, and every other technological device out there.
A few other points that I noticed are the following:
-make sure you understand your own target market. You can’t have a great Drupal website designed for every person on the planet.
– make certain you choose a font that will work on all devices. You don’t want your customers squinting around trying to see what it says.
– Your website should be fast. You lose customers, clients, and page views when no one is sticking around. No one likes a grandpa-monkey-like website.
– Don’t make your website so complicated. Simplicity is your best friend. You might want a lot of additions to your Drupal website, but take it, easy little monkey friend, you’re not the one looking at that website trying to buy something or navigate it.
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