The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog
A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

Coming Right Up…DrupalCon Austin 2014

Hey, monkeys! Are you a DrupalCon lover? If you live in the Austin Texas area, you’ll be happy to know that DrupalCon Austin is now open for registration.
Drupal is one of the most popular open-source content management systems. Our team usually heads to a DrupalCon each and every year. We’ll keep in touch with you about the next DrupalCon we attend.
Anyways, back to the monkey topic at hand. DrupalCon Austin registration is now open. This means you can get a good deal before DrupalCon gets here. Order your tickets early. Here are the discounted prices:
- Earlybird registration pricing will continue until April 4.
- Students receive 50% off ticket prices and non-profits receive a 20% discount.
- Orders for six or more pre-paid tickets will also receive a 20% discount
DrupalCon is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about Drupal. You don’t need to be an awesome developer just to learn a little about Drupal. Even if you have a slight interest, you should sign up. You’ll be able to network with others and meet some potential leads.
If you are ever around the Okanagan area, make sure you look up Cheeky Monkey Media! Sign up for DrupalCon Austin right here.