The Cheeky Monkey Media Blog
A few words from the apes, monkeys, and various primates that make up the Cheeky Monkey Super Squad.

10 Emerging Ways to Market Digital Content

Imagine how much more efficiently your website would be if you could drastically increase audience engagement with the content.
There are ten digital marketing trends websites can use to encourage engagement with content, making it stand out from all the other noise online.
Let’s explore each of them together.
1. Live Video
Live video isn’t new anymore, but it’s emerging as one of the most important digital marketing trends for small, mid-sized, and large companies alike.
As large companies such as Google (with YouTube), Facebook, and Twitter (with Periscope) invest ample resources into this technology, we can be sure that it’s going to get more and more significant as a digital marketing tactic.
2. Native Advertising
The basic idea behind native advertising predates the digital age. TV Infomercials as well as Newspaper and Magazine print advertorials are the precursors to today’s digital native ads. This is advertising that, on first inspection, appears like an article or editorial.
Online advertising has been moving in this direction over the last few years. According to a recent study, by 2018 native advertising will account for 25% of news media revenue.
3. Challenge the Status Quo
People love to engage with controversial topics and ideas. To be engaging, you don’t have to be rude, but it is always fun to question the norm.
Don’t be afraid to state an opinion and back it with substance (backing up your statement with evidence is a key online survival tactic). Then, press “post” and let the fun begin.
The more you produce content that challenges norms and the status quo, the more engagement you’re likely to induce.
4. Deliver on the ‘Wow’ Factor
Online platforming expert, Michael Hyatt, refers in his book Platform, to what he calls the “Wow Factor.”
You want your content to make the reader sit back in their chair after reading the post and say, “Wow. That was interesting.” or, “Wow. That was great.”
In other words, blow your reader’s mind with your content, and they’ll engage better with what you have to say.
5. Readers’ Opinions
Senior Leader of Willow Creek Community Church, Bill Hybels, presents in his leadership book Axiom, the idea of “The Big Ask.”
It simply means that if you want something big, ask for something big. You shouldn’t be afraid to ask for what you’re striving to build.
If you want more people to engage with your content, then invite them to engage with it.
A simple, “What are your thoughts?” or, “Please share your comments and insights below,” is enough to invite engagement.
6. Make Forums Interactive
It is difficult for readers to engage with static content on a web page. A good idea is to open up different interactive forums on various topics and invite your readers to participate by offering their opinions.
Along these lines, it is vital to respond and engage with what your readers say in the same way you want them to respond to you and your content.
Even C.S. Lewis, the author of the world-renowned Chronicles of Narnia, responded to all fan mail with handwritten notes. There are even rumors of him responding to a nine-year-old child who had a concern about one of his books.
If Lewis, a scholar, writer and professor, could respond to so many fans – in the age long before social media – then you can as well.
Whereas it may not be practical to reply to every post and comment, a key part of current digital marketing trends is to have open forums about your content and to participate in the discussions yourself.
7. Make It Brief
A wise, old preacher once said that the key to good preaching is to preach like a chicken laying an egg in the middle of the road – lay it on the line, and lay it fast.
When readers get to your e-commerce website they’re not going to read a book. They will, however, enjoy a brief post.
The key to brevity with online writing isn’t to say little to nothing at all. It’s very possible to provide a lot of quality content, but the secret is to break it down into points, bullets, numbers and more.
Your content should be scannable and easily accessible. Brevity will increase engagement.
8. Leverage Newsletter Sign-up Series
The Newsletter is not one of the new digital marketing trends. But, generating an email list is extremely important to your success. However, the tweak suggested is to use a series to promote sign-ups.
In other words, create a 3-part series of content that targets the audience and speaks to their needs and goals. Provide the first part of the series on your general website and then offer the next parts via a newsletter sign-up.
This will significantly increase email subscriptions, which will have a long-lasting impact on readership engagement with the content.
9. Share Breaking News
Whenever something significant happens in the world, breaking news hits the headlines. By taking that story and coupling it with your content, content engagement will explode.
Most people engage with world news, especially major news. The key is to weave your material into what is happening in the world and present it to your readership. Engage them in your content by connecting on the topic (the breaking news) they’re already interested in.
Leveraging ground-breaking news to provide relevant content is an excellent way to engage your readership.
10. Unique Digital Marketing Trends
Most importantly, being original is the only thing that stands out among the crowd. A copy is not exciting. Nobody wants second-hand content.
Each reader is a unique individual with a unique personality, as is each author and business owner.
Leverage that sentiment to your advantage and make content reflects that uniqueness. What your readers want is what you can offer that nobody else can offer.
The Final Take
So, the practical use of digital marketing trends is very promising.
If you challenge the norm, wow your audience, and invite your readers to respond, you’ll see results.
Additionally, you can create interactive forums and keep content brief. Leveraging newsletter sign-ups is another excellent tool.
Also, by sharing breaking news, you’ll keep your readership engaged.
By providing distinct content and by following the other tips in this post, you too will see dramatic results as your readership engages more with your content than ever before.
To learn more, contact us.